Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seattle's Best Coffee - Henry's Blend

Today, a review of Seattle's Best Coffee - Henry's Blend brewed into a caffè americano with an Aeropress Coffeemaker.

What Seattle's Best says about their coffee: Henry's Blend is named after the big friendly cat that once lived at the original Seattle's Best Coffee roasting plant on Vashon Island. Henry's Blend is a favorite of those who know Seattle's Best Coffee. It has a great full body, a slightly heavier texture and a deep dark brown color. Whether used for drip or espresso, Henry's is easy to recognize by its full, sweet aroma.
Seattle's Best Coffee - Henry's Blend

What I have to say about Henry's Blend: From the moment I opened the package, I knew from the smell of the grounds that this was going to be a delicious coffee. This is a smooth medium roast that I could drink everyday. It's dark, has a bold aroma, a smooth start, and a clean finish. The flavor is rich and nutty, but has with it other subtle earthy nuances that will peak out as the brew rolls across your palette. I'd recommend this coffee to anyone that enjoys a strong, bold brew; and say that, due to its richness, it would be best enjoyed in the afternoon, by itself.

Status: Recommended


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